Local Journalism Spotlight

Local newspapers and journalists power our democracy and knit together the fabric of our communities. As we continue the film’s journey, we’ll be spotlighting local news outlets we meet along the way.
Local Journalism Spotlight
March 2, 2022

The Kyiv Independent

The STORM LAKE team wants to take time this week to highlight a beacon of Ukrainian journalism, The Kyiv Independent.
Local Journalism Spotlight
September 17, 2021

The Gazette

The Gazette’s primary coverage area is the Linn and Johnson County area or Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.
Local Journalism Spotlight
September 17, 2021

The Winterset Madisonian

The nation’s oldest continuously-circulated newspaper west of the Mississippi located in Winterset, Iowa.
Local Journalism Spotlight
August 28, 2021

Southern Jewish Life

Southern Jewish Life is the magazine serving the Jewish communities of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and northwest Florida.
Local Journalism Spotlight
August 25, 2021


VTdigger.org is a statewide new website that publishes daily reports on government, politics, consumer affairs, business and public policy.
Local Journalism Spotlight
August 20, 2021

The Americano

As the only news site created by Latinas for Latinas, The Americano covers issues that matters to its community, particularly local issues in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, and…